I have several rbt for sale. These have great color and are at least 3-4 inches when open. I also have a big multi branch green sinularia
that is attached to a piece of rock. $20 a piece for either. Sinularia is about half the size of ones in pic. I'm in Wilmington but can meet along 71 towards Lebanon if that's closer.
I ended up getting one from Cincinnati corals. Thanks anyways
I'm in the market for one also. Please let me know when available. Thanks
Ok, just let me know if one decides to move
I still have a bunch but they are currently all on the rocks and its easy to damage them trying to remove them. Im sure one will move on to the glass in the future but I can't get to any right now.
I would like a bubble tip. Do you have any left?
I have several rbt in the tank but none are currently were I can remove them easily. I should have some more in the future. I do have some sinularia now and possibly a superman mushroom.
I have several rbt in the tank but none are currently were I can remove them easily. I should have some more in the future. I do have some sinularia now and possibly a superman mushroom.
I would be interested in some news. How large are they? Cant text me from number above.
Yes I have one rbta ready to go
I know its been a couple of months but curious is you have any available for sale now? :)
Nice meeting you guys. I hope they do good for you. I still have a few more ready to go if anyone is interested
can you text me at 513-237-9279. thanks
Are these still available?
Hey @Wrasse & @Bob Sechrist On the lower right corner of the website there is a Chat Box where you can chat with other members when signed it! See the Photo!
That works. I'll text you tomorrow just to make sure closer to that time.
yeah, I can't message either. So, tomorrow at South Lebanon Lowes at 11am? My number is 5132373248
Bob I do have 2 good size pieces that are ready. I could meet tomorrow like you said. Just let me know for sure. I looked for a way to pm my number but couldn't find a way to do it.